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I’m part of the Amazon Vine program. For those that aren’t aware of what this means, this is a program where a select group of Amazon.com reviewers are invited to review advanced reader copy books books and other items (electronics, toys, etc).

What I’ve observed in this program is that the majority of the books offered are fiction. Not to say there isn’t a good sample of non-fiction from categories such as: biography, computer, self-help, religious, etc.

But if a person wants to increase their chances of getting published, then maybe they should focus on the “larger” market?!? If that is the case, then as writers maybe we should focus on fiction writing?

I’ve been working on a non-fiction project. I “feel” its the right project for me, but I also desire to write fiction. But with limited time to write (as evident by weeks of no blog posts) how should I, or any writer, “best” spend one’s writing time?

When you like to write everything, which to choose?

Here are some links on the advantages of writing fiction:

Here are two articles on the pros of writing nonfiction:

Closing thoughts. . .

Nonfiction often uses characters and stories to illustrate a point.

Fiction uses characters and their story to entertain, but sometimes to illustrate a point.

So, maybe the wrong question is “Fiction vs. Nonfiction” and the right question is, “What sort of characters and stories do you want write or feel called to write?”

Either way it’s about using characters and story to connect with your readers.


Set the timer for 10-minutes and try this writing prompt.

Writing prompt #0046


Write about a strange character or one of the strangest people you’ve ever met.